We provide Governmentwide leadership on Federal work scheduling policies and programs We develop and maintain Governmentwide regulations and policies on the administration of work schedules, including the basic 40hour workweek, holidays, and flexible and compressed work schedulesHowever, each Federal agency is responsible for administering work schedulingEven if you do work the 7 days in the same week, you automatically go back to straight time when the new week starts The employer does not have to give you any time off and you automatically go back to straight time" Employees who work in certain retail establishments are entitled to a nonworking shift break depending upon the number of hours worked Massachusetts 30 minutes, if work is for more than 6 hours during a calendar day Statute Excludes iron works, glass works, paper mills, letter press establishments, print works, and bleaching or dyeing works
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Working 12 days straight
Working 12 days straight- California labor law has specific provisions related to the number of days an employee is permitted to work before a rest day is required These regulations are set forth in the California Labor Code specifically in sections and apply equally to public agencies, cities and counties as well as private employersHaven't had a chance to get some dryfire in for the past 2 weeks due to working fo the past 13 days straight It feels really good to shake some of the rust off and get back at it!!

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Breaks are paid for the first 6 months of your baby's life Read more about breastfeeding in work Smoking breaks You don't have a legal right to smoking breaks Work breaks and remote working When you are working from home, you must get your daily and weekly rest A In Connecticut, 12—not 13—days is the maximum permissible continuous mandatory period of work, but you're not necessarily breaking the law if you allow an employee to work more than 12 days in a row It's only illegal to compel or require someone to work that long over their objection, and/or to discipline an employee who refusesEmployees working split shifts If an employee is required to work a split shift and there's more than a 1hour break between the 2 segments of the shift, the employee must be paid the minimum compensation required for each segment of their shift See Youth employment for more information
However, if you worked 4PM to 8AM and then 4PM to 8AM on back to back days, this would be 8 hours on day 1, 16 hours on day 2, and 8 hours on day 3 The day middle day would be paid at 8 hours straight time, 4 hours overtime, and 4 hours double time Most companies use midnighttomidnight as their work day, though they can use any 24 hour period "FAQ – I worked 9 days in a row, don't I get double time after working 7 days in a row?The NRC recommended that (1) workers not be permitted to work more than 12 hours straight, (2) there be at least a 12hour break between all work periods, (3) individuals not work more than 72 hours in any 7day period, and (4) that workers not work more than 14 consecutive days without having 2 days off
Many WA awards require penalty rates to be paid for specified working days or times Penalty rates are higher rates of pay that apply when an employee works hours that are inside the span of hours set by the relevant WA award but have a penalty rate applied to them, such as on Sundays or public holidays For example, the Shop and Warehouse (Wholesale and Retail You had three days off during that work week Week Two, you work Sunday through Thursday and have Friday and Saturday off You had two days off during that work week Even though you worked eight straight days, the law has not been violated and you had more than the number of days off required by law in EACH work weekMeaning of Work Week A "work week" is a recurring period of seven consecutive days selected by the employer for the purpose of scheduling work, or if the employer has not selected such a period, a recurring period of seven consecutive days beginning on Sunday and ending on Saturday How the Weekly or Biweekly Free Time Requirement Works

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I'm posting by mobile app I have a friend of a friend who's working with the public to recruit people into donating to charities He's living in London and works from 2pm until 9pm with an hour long meeting just before hand He gets a 30 minute food break In general, an employer in New York may require its whitecollar employees to work seven days in a week By contrast, in some bluecollar industries and occupations in New York State, a worker is entitled to enjoy 24 consecutive hours of rest in each calendar week Without limitation, among the employees whom a nongovernmental employer in NewIn a case that may be of particular relevance to boarding schools, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has provided clarity as to when an employer must provide a weekly rest period under the Working Time Directive (WTD)

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Try working 90 days straight with 12 hour days There are few valid or enforceable rules these days as to how many days or hours you can work most of it comes under todays duty of care laws, if you dont think you can work the long hours or days demanded just tel your boss under duty of care that you need a day or 2 off, that'll go down well One of my co workers and I have been forced to work 13 days straight and only one day off because of another coworker not being able to make it back from the recent flood Is this actually legal?British labour laws working 13 days straight due to a "power week" Apologies in advance;

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More Employment Employee wages and overtime pay Ask a lawyer it's free!A reduction in your work hours by 60 minutes in an 8 hour working day; California overtime Rules for Working 7 Consecutive Days Read the Wage and Hour Law legal blogs that have been posted by Norman B Blumenthal on Lawyerscom

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Every employee is entitled to one day of rest in 7 So, an employer cannot require you to work more than six days out of seven But if the nature of the work reasonably requires that the you work seven or more consecutive days, you have to get the equivalent time off in a calendar month to make up for the days you did not get off in the those seven days So, if you work for 15 days inYour Right to Time and a Half for the Seventh Day of Work in a Workweek It is important to note that a workweek begins on the same day each week;Work schedules like these may cause worker fatigue Shift workers may be scheduled to work days, evenings, nights and/or on a rotating or oncall basis They may work extended shifts (more than 8 hours long), rotating or irregular shifts, or consecutive shifts resulting in more than the typical 40hour work week

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0358 #12 Yes it is legal to work 10 days I do 12 hour shifts and have clocked 13 days once and was told by my boss I could not do the next day shift mickmars wrote » TUPE means exactly the same terms and conditions Tell her to tell the boss "haha,funny joke,Love,but I'm not falling for it" Every employee is entitled to one day of rest in 7 So, an employer cannot require you to work more than six days out of seven But if the nature of the work reasonably requires that the you work seven or more consecutive days, you have to get the equivalent time off in a calendar month to make up for the days you did not get off in the those seven days Looking for written proof that a CCA cannot work more than 13 days in a row http//wwwdolgov/whd/regs/compliance/hrghtm Partly states, "Also, the FLSA does not limit the number of hours in a day or days in a week an employee may be required or scheduled to work, including overtime hours, if the employee is at least 16 years old"

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For example, an employer may legally schedule work for 12 consecutive days within a twoweek period if the days of rest fall on the first and last days of the twoweek period An employer is permitted, upon joint request of its employees, to ask the Department to waive provision of the One Day of Rest in Seven Law in unusual circumstancesThe employee has already received straighttime compensation for all hours worked and only additional halftime pay is required Day rates/job rates An employee may be paid a flat sum for a day's work, or for doing a particular job, without regard to the number of hours worked in the day or at the job, and receive no other form of compensationOvertime is based on the regular rate of pay, which is the compensation you normally earn for the work you perform The regular rate of pay includes a number of different kinds of remuneration, such as hourly earnings, salary, piecework earnings, and commissions In no case may the regular rate of pay be less than the applicable minimum wage

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The default workweek is Monday through Sunday The employer may designate a different seven day period If you work six days in one workweek and seven in the next to constitute the 13 days you asked about, you only get overtime after you have worked more than 40 hours in the workweek in which the days fall The employees argued that the California "day of rest" rule should apply on a rolling basis—otherwise, employees could be required to work up to 12 consecutive days without a dayThe One Day Rest in Seven Act, as its name implies, allows for at least 24 hours of rest in every calendar week A calendar week is defined as seven consecutive 24 hour periods starting at 11 am Sunday morning and ending at midnight the following Saturday Under this Act, employers may ask IDOL for a relaxation of this requirement If IDOL

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One Day Rest In Seven Act (ODRISA) Provides for employees a minimum of twenty four hours of rest in each calendar week and a meal period of minutes for every 75 hour shift beginning no later than 5 hours after the start of the shift The law allows employers to secure permits from the Department to work employees the 7th day provided thatHospitals and residential care facilities may enter into an agreement with employees for a work period of 14 consecutive days instead of 7 consecutive days However, the employee must be paid no less than 15 times the regular rate for employment in excess of 8 hours in a workday or 80 hours in that 14day period ( IN Code Sec )I worked 6 days a week 1012 hours a day then suddenly we were forced to work 13 days straight without a day off, when I became an unassigned regular I showed more backbone than I ever had as a CCA, I refused to work days off, and my supervisor tried to just cause me a few times, I

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Answer (1 of 2) There are a couple of things to consider here, and really they are only dependent on your commitment to your workplace and your moral compass You most certainly can call in You can fake being sick, you can be honest and tell them that you are exhausted and need a day In yet another tragic case of alleged overwork, a female nurse was recently discovered dead in her dorm room by her roommate Apparently, the deceased was a 38yearold nurse practitioner who was attached to the Taipei Medical University and was believed to have been working for 13 days straight from 3rd to 15th November Source et today According to California Labor Code, Section 551, all California employees, regardless of occupation, are entitled to a least one rest day out of every seven days Section 552 goes on to state that no employer may require employees to work more than six days out of a sevenday period, and any employer that tries to enforce a sevenday workweek may be guilty

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Your average working hours are calculated over a 17week period You can work more than 48 hours in one week as long as the average is less than 48 There are special rules for some workers, like young workers and mobile workers in the transport industry Days off from work and rest breaks All adult workers are entitled to one day off a week My work day started at 530 am till 4 pm making it eight hours of regular time and two hours of overtime On that same day I was called back in at 10 pm to work an 8 hour shift was off at 630am in the morning the following day to have received an emergency Call at noon which took 7 an half hoursTraining Close 250 Posted by 2 days ago

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13, 14 and 15 year olds who work on a school day;This is his advice "Under Regulations 11 (1) and (2) of the Working Time Regulations 1998 a worker is entitled to an uninterrupted rest of 24 hours per week or, at the employer's choice, 48 hours per fortnight A week begins at midnight between Sunday and Monday So long as you have at least a 48 hour uninterrupted rest break in each period Employees who work 7 straight days must be paid according to California's principal overtime laws, which provide premium pay based not only on daily and weekly hours, but also on seventhday work For the seventh day of work, employees must be paid the first eight hours worked at the rate of one and onehalf times the regular rate of pay

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Workers 18 and over have a right to a minute break where the working day is longer than six hours, also, a rest period of 11 consecutive hours between each working day, (unless working on a shift pattern) and a 24 hour rest period in each seven days For nightworkers, the average daily hours of work are 8, averaged over a 17week periodTherefore, it includes seven consecutive 24hour periods According to the California Labor Code, Section 510, "the first eight hours worked on the seventh day of work in any one workweek shall beWorking Time How many consecutive days can workers lawfully work without a weekly rest break?

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Texas does provide a narrow workweek limitation for retail employees, however Section 501 of the Texas Labor Code forbids an employer in the business of selling merchandise at retail from requiring an employee to work seven consecutive days The employee cannot be denied "at least one period of 24consecutive hours of time off for rest orEmployers can get permission from the Department of Labor to work their employees 7 days a week, but they can only do that a maximum of 8 weeks a year See the complete rules here The Department of Labor also enforces the law on behalf of employees Their "One Day Rest in Seven Act" number is (312)

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